Ch 17: No Silver Bullet Refired


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Ch 17: No Silver Bullet Refired

One solution (Brad Cox, 1990) is the reusable, interchangeable component approach.

Discipline of Software Engineering needs overriding theory.

Harel feels that one-person programs were prevalent in 1950’s so NSB experiment could reveal a magnitude of improvement over 25 years --- Brooks disagrees

Capers Jones: “Focus on quality rather than quantity and program will follow.

Control & Safety vs. Efficiency

Productivity is up by a factor of 3 (Capers Jones) to 5 (Yourdon), but not 10 (Demarco).


REUSE: Most experienced programmers have private libraries which allow them to develop software with about 30% reused code by volume. Reusability at the corporate level aims for 75% reused code by volume, and requires special library and admistrative support. Corporate reusable code also implies changes in project accounting and measurement practices to give credit for reusability.

The public may prefer off-the-shelf ready to use packages than to search for software satisfying needs.

Author: Brooklyn College 1999-2000