GRADING     For students           CISC 1115                      revised Feb. 2020


Programs 0-10. 0 gets just a ü, ü+, ü- (or whatever, but not a grade in the total). Assignment 10 may be the total of the lab points (possibly adjusted).


Assignments are due before class so you won’t cut class to get them in on time.

Grade 0 – 10.  Approximately (assuming program does the job)

- 0.5 per class late (No assignment is accepted more than 3 assignments late.)

- 5 incorrect output

-1 for incorrect trace and handcheck

- 1 incorrect data

- 1 for lack of comments or poor style

- 1 for resubmission. In addition, you will be graded as of the resubmission date, so you will lose points for lateness.

+ 1 for extra nice work


Submit only your own work. The grade will be divided by the number of people who submit the same program.


Develop good style.

-          comments (at least one for each method) - including name of file and what the program does

-          spacing

-          indentation

-          alignment of braces

-          meaningful identifier names

-          methods

-          no global variables (must send to method everything it uses)

-          Before a loop, enter only the values needed for testing the condition. Rest of data is entered inside the loop.


See sheet of assignment instructions on webpage.


You must always submit  handcheck and memory trace (unless there is none or it is specifically noted otherwise in the assignment).