CISC3130 - Data Structures

Spring 2012

[Announcements] [General Information] [Syllabus] [Homeworks] [Additional Material] [Schedule]

General Information


Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:05-10:45
Room 234NE


Gulustan Dogan
Office hours: Room 232NE Thursdays 12:30-01:30 pm or by appointment (please let me know at least one day before if you are coming!)
Email: gdogan AT
(I am generally very happy to receive questions via email and try to respond as soon as posssible)


Data structures and other objects using C++, by Michael Main and Walter Savitch, 4th edition
Algorithms and Data Structures: The basic toolbox, by Kurt Mehlhorn and Peter Sanders

A word about the textbooks: The Main and Savitch book is required. The Mehlhorn book is an excellent reference on the theory of data structures. Despite its small size, it covers pretty much everything anyone would like to know on the topic and in fact goes much further than we will go in this class. I believe it's a great reference book and reading it will have you well prepared for an Analysis of Algorithms class (which you will presumably take soon after this class). Also, you can find it on the web for free!

The Main and Savitch book is closer to the style our class will actually follow. It focuses much more heavily on C++ and implementation, while covering much simpler data structures than Mehlhorn's book.


Homeworks: 30%
Midterm exams: 40% (20% each)
Final: 30%
Extra credit will be given for class participation and completion of extra homework questions at the instructor's discretion.