Project Check List

Your project should look visually pleasing (background colors and texures) and have a well organizated look to get over a 90.

____ A printed storyboard of your Kiosk

____ Have a main menu for the user that visits the kiosk to select from the various subjects in your kiosk.

____ Minimum 6 menu choices to choose from. Either 6 on the main menu, or a combination from sub menus.

____ Use as much multimedia content as you can: images, sounds, movie clips. Movie clips are optional, however you should have images and sound or music.

____ Include an introduction screen mentioning the name of exhibit. You may wish to add a name of the museum (real or fictional title).

____ Include in a copyright section saying where you got your media content and facts used in your kiosk. Think of this like the credits screen.

____ Voice narration

____ Use of animations and transitions. Make some of the images or text "build" in the scenes. It's not hard. Right click on the object, selection Custom Animation, then play with the effects settings.

____ Background selections. Preferably a picture or pattern rather than a color.

____ Lots of lots of info on the subject matter. Not just one sentence. Gather lots of facts.

____ Well aligned menus and objects. Things shouldn't look haphazard on the screen.

_____ Make it look really professional for a 100!

If it has major bugs, you'll be asked to redo it at a reduced grade.