
apt install wireshark-gnome

Run wireshark as root. Click on the Capture Options icon (second from left) and click the Pseudo-device that captures on all interfaces

Use wireshark to capture just DNS packets (which are UDP packets on port 53). To do that, put "port 53" into the capture filter box (not display filter) that is visible from Capture->Options. Now visit some websites. Stop the capture. What did you see?


NFS Tutorial 

NFS Export for multiple hosts and for read only 

Create a shared directory that is READABLE by others (but not writable) in the LAN segment of the lab. Check your IP address and Netmask to determine this.

Call this nfs share as /share

Place in this directory a file called info.txt and a welcome message that the class is CISC 4331.

Mount your neighbor's directory as /data and see if you can access the directory, read the file, then attempt to erase it!

Adjust your firewall to allow the shared folder to work!

Show me your firewall settings
Show me your routing table.
Show the other machines on your LAN via the arp command (first ping some other machines to see them).
Show the output from the mount command to show that you mounted the shared folder.