1. What term is used for distance over which the wind blows without interruption?

2. What is the distance between two wave crests called?

3. What does the Beaufort scale measure?

4. What kind of breaker occurs when the beach is very steep?

5. Which kind of breaker deposits sand on shore and expands beaches?

6. What is a wave called that is more than 2x the significant wave height (SWH=the mean of the largest third of waves in a wave record)?

7. What is the term for a wave that is caused by displacement in the ocean basin?

8. What volcano produced what is believed to be the loudest sound ever heard by humans?

9. In what city did a tsunami have the effect of starting the science of seismology?

10. In what state was the highest wave ever seen occur?


1. What term is used for the highest of the high tides?
Ans. Spring

2.Where is the observatory that is used for the prime meridian? (Town, city or country will do)
Ans. Greenwich, London, England

3. What astronomical body has the greatest impact on the tides?
Ans. The moon

4. What term is used to indicate the water over the continental shelf?
Ans. Neritic

5. What term is used for the level of the ocean depth where there is enough light to see but not to photosynthesize?
Ans. dysphotic

6. What are organisms called that are capable of swimming against a current?
Ans. nekton

7. What phase is the moon in when there is a neap tide?
Ans. first or third quarter

8. If the time in London is 4 pm and where you are it is noon, what is your longitude?
Ans. 60 degrees west longitude

9. What kind of coral reef first appears in the formation of an atoll?
Ans. fringing

10. What is the longest mountain chain in the world known as?? Ans. Mid oceanic ridge