Well, at least that is over with!

1. In what direction to fluids moving in the northern hemisphere deflect?

2. As air warms, what movement does make?

3. What part of the hurricane is the calmest on land but the worst on the ocean?

4. What are "Old Sow" and Corryvreckan"?

5. What are tornados occurring over water known as?

6. What term is used for a gradient of some aspect of the water as one goes deeper?

7. What is the effect known as that causes fluids to deflect when they travel on a sphere?

8. What is the water that rises up onto the shore as the result of a storm known as?

9. In what city in the U.S. was the worst ocean related disaster?

10. What do "Hadley", "Ferrell" and "polar" refer to in meteorology (the study of weather)


1. What term is used for distance over which the wind blows without interruption?
Ans. fetch

2.What is the distance between two wave crests called?
Ans. wavelength

3. What does the Beaufort scale measure?
Ans. wind

4. What term is used to indicate the water over the continental shelf?
Ans. Neritic

5. What kind of breaker occurs when the beach is very steep?
Ans. surging

6. What is a wave called that is more than 2x the significant wave height (SWH=the mean of the largest third of waves in a wave record)?
Ans. rogue

7. What is the term for a wave that is caused by displacement in the ocean basin?
Ans. tsunami

8. What volcano produced what is believed to be the loudest sound ever heard by humans?
Ans. Krakatoa

9. In what city did a tsunami have the effect of starting the science of seismology?
Ans. Lisbon

10. In what state was the highest wave ever seen occur? Ans. Alaska