Ninth inning - headed into extra innings.

1. From where does most of the pollution in the ocean come?

2. Which estuary is the closest to Brooklyn College? (Hint: It isn't the lily pond between Ingersoll Hall and the Library)

3. What kind of marine environment appears in the more tropical climates where trees have exposed roots?

4. What term is used for an area which has become anoxic (no oxygen) often as the result of eutrophication and the resultant algal blooms?

5. What caused the formation of the red sea?

6. What ghost ship becomes a famous opera?

7. What is the largest of the osteichthys (and may be the basis for "sea serpent" stories)?

8. What is the glow on various parts of a ship called that is caused by an atmospheric process?

9. What instrument malfunctioned on the "mystery ship", the Mary Celeste?

10. What is the largest invertebrate known, that may be the stimulus for stories abuot a monster called "the kraken"?


1. Which bird seems most adapted to ocean living?

Ans. penguin

2. What is the largest animal in the ocean today?
Ans. blue whale

3. Which of the sea mammals can be thought of as "using tools"?
Ans. sea otter

4. What animal is thought to have inspired stories about mermaids?
Ans. manatees

5. What is the process called when coral suddenly turns white and loses its color?
Ans. bleaching

6. What term is used for organisms living on or in the sea bottom floor?
Ans. benthic

7. What is the area called where the river meets the sea?
Ans. estuary

8. What process makes water become more saline when it is found in a basin which has been filled by the tide and the tide has ebbed?
Ans. evaporation

9. Which class of mammals made the greatest change in becoming terrestrial (land living)?
Ans. reptiles

10. What are areas called where water covers the soil either all year or at different times of the year?
Ans. wetlands