Week four. More than a quarter of the way home!

1. What body exerts the greatest force in creating tides in the waters of the world?

2. What is the longest mountain chain on Earth?

3. What are the highest of the high tides called?

4. What kind of tide occurs when the sun, Earth and moon form a right angle?

5. What is the distance between 2 sequential wave crests known as?

6. What is the name of the scale that measures wind speed?

7. Which kind of breaking wave causes the most damage to a beach?

8. What causes most waves to form?

9. What term is used for the distance over which the wind blows uninterrupted?

10. At what phase of the moon do the highest tides occur?


1. What term is used for the zone of the ocean found over the continental shelf?

ANSWER: neritic

2. What is the area of the ocean known as where there is enough light to see, but not to photosynthesize?

ANSWER: dysphotic

3. What are organisms called that can make their own food?

ANSWER: autotrophs

4. By what other term is the litoral zone known?

ANSWER: intertidal

5. How many degrees of longitude are there between a vessel and London if it is noon on the vessel and 14:00 hours (2 p.m.) in London?

ANSWER: 30 degrees

6. Which ship is involved with the expedition that is seen as the beginning of modern oceanography?

ANSWER: Challenger

7. What term is used for organisms that can swim against a current?

ANSWER: nekton

8. What invention allowed mariners to find there location more accurately then ded. reckoning?

ANSWER: clock or chronometer

9. What evidence is there that shows the continents were once connected and drifted apart over time?

ANSWER: fossils

10. What is the lowest point in the ocean known as?

ANSWER: Challenger Deep