Week Seven...halfway there.

1. What is the highest level of classification in the Linnaean system?

2. To what phylum do the vertebrates belong?

3. What term is used for organisms which have a nuclear membrane?

4. What does "a change in gene frequency in a population" define?

5.Which scientist's theory did Darwin site to explain natural variation?

6. Which level of organization is always written with an upper case letter?

7. What term is used for animals which live at the bottom of the ocean?

8. To what phylum do the least complex animals belong?

9. What element often coming into the ocean from sewerage or fertilizer may cause large algal blooms?

10. What name is given to a more recent form of classification of living things (aside from the Linnaean)


1. What term is used for water pushed onto the shore by an incoming hurricane or other severe wind?
Answer: storm surge

2. From what direction do trade winds blow?
Answer: east

3. What ocean current is responsible for moving warm water from the south to Europe?
Answer: Gulf stream

4. What term is used for the level of the ocean in which there is a dramatic change in the nature of some phenomenon (e.g. salinity, temperature etc)?
Answer: cline

5. What term is used for the least available needed resource?
Answer: Limiting factor

6. What organism is involved in fixing nitrogen?
Answer: cyanobacteria

7. What term is used for the bringing of nutrients up to the surface from lower depths?
Answer: upwelling

8. In an ENSO event, on which side of the Pacific is the low pressure center?
Answer: east

9. What current exists where water brought in by waves is moving out to sea from the land?
Answer: rip current

10. The process of decomposition by bacteria leads the the depletion of what element in the water?
Answer: oxygen