Week Eight - more than halfway there (4/7ths to be precise in terms of lectures!)

1. What term is given to living coral after the diatoms that live in them (Zooxanthellae) leave?

2. To what phylum do the star fish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and the like belong?

3. In what animal's blood are pharmaceutical companies interested to check their pharmaceuticals for impurities?

4. What term is used for pearls that are deliberately made by introducing foreign material into certain animals?

5.What do chondrichthyes lack that Osteichthyes have?

6. What important reptile is fond of jellyfish and might control some of the problems with those Cnidaria?

7. Of all the animals that swim in the sea - which is the biggest?

8. Which of the marine mammals is held to use "a tool"?

9. Aside from "cetaceans", which other mammal spends its entire life in the water?

10. What is the first class of animal to be able to live exclusively on the land?


1. What is the highest level of classification in the Linnaean system?
Answer: kingdom

2. To what phylum do the vertebrates belong?

Answer: chordates

3. What term is used for organisms which have a nuclear membrane?
Answer: eukaryote

4. What does "a change in gene frequency in a population" define?
Answer: evolution

5.Which scientist's theory did Darwin site to explain natural variation?
Answer: Lamark

6. Which level of organization is always written with an upper case letter?
Answer: genus

7. What term is used for animals which live at the bottom of the ocean?
Answer: benthic

8. To what phylum do the least complex animals belong?
Answer: sponges or porifera

9. What element often coming into the ocean from sewerage or fertilizer may cause large algal blooms?
Answer: nitrogen

10. What name is given to a more recent form of classification of living things (aside from the Linnaean)
Answer: cladistics