Week Nine - all is fine - down the line - pathetic! But the end draws nigh!

1. What bird seems most adapted to oceanic life?

2. What term is used to indicate the area where rivers meet the ocean?

3. Wht term is used to indicate an overabundance of material in the ocean that sparks a great deal of algal growth?

4. What term is used for an environment where trees and shrubs appear with roots exposed along waterways in warm climates?

5.By what process other than photosynthesis do autotrophs produce their own food?

6. About what percent of the energy taken in by organisms is used to maintain the organism and build tissues?

7. What term is used to decribe difference in kind or nature, as opposed to differences in amount)?

8. What characteristic do most marine invertebrates have that are being studied for anti-inflammitory and anti-cancer medications?

9. What characteristic do "Language and Culture" have (as opposed to "language and culture")?

10. What term is used for the organisms at the top of the food chain (trophic level)?


1. What term is given to living coral after the diatoms that live in them (Zooxanthellae) leave?

Answer: "bleaching" or "bleached"

2. To what phylum do the star fish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and the like belong?

Answer: echinoderms

3. In what animal's blood are pharmaceutical companies interested to check their pharmaceuticals for impurities?

Answer: horseshoe crab

4. What term is used for pearls that are deliberately made by introducing foreign material into certain animals?

Answer: cultured

5.What do chondrichthyes lack that Osteichthyes have?

Answer: bone

6. What important reptile is fond of jellyfish and might control some of the problems with those Cnidaria?

Answer: sea turtles

7. Of all the animals that swim in the sea - which is the biggest?

Answer: the blue whale

8. Which of the marine mammals is held to use "a tool"?

Answer: sea otter

9. Aside from "cetaceans", which other mammal spends its entire life in the water?

Answer: the manatee

10. What is the first class of animal to be able to live exclusively on the land?

Answer: reptiles