Week Thirteen! Thirteen ! Lucky or un, it is thirteen. One more to go!

1. What disease affected the Greek sponge divers when they took up "hard hat" diving?

2. What kind of things are produced when an irritant is introduced into certain mollusks like oysters?

3. What organ stores red blood cells?

4. What kind of whaling is permitted by the International Whaling Commission for research purposes?

5. WHat is the study of past cultures from the material remains called?

6. The appearance of what kind of shells indicated there were trades roots between the Ohio valley and the Pacific Coast?

7. What kind of shell is used as an instrument one can blow into and produce a musical note?

8. What kind of material, now banned in the US, was used in exfolliating products like shampoo and tooth paste?

9. What is it called when something can be broken down by some life forms?

10. What group of chemicals are cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic a part of?


1. What people constitute a "pariah" group (untouchable) in Japan?
Answer: The Eta

2. What animal is thought to be the stimulus for the "Kraken"
Answer: giant squid

3. What is the largest BONY fish in the ocean?
Answer: oarfish

4. What term is used for ceremonies that mark a change of status or position?
Answer: "rites of passage" or "rites of transition"

5. In what part of the world did sailors "rediscover" Tattoing?
Answer: "South Pacific" or "Polynesia"

6. Currently, what is the "major" line whose crossing is celebrated on ships (although the hazing is much reduced)
Answer: equator

7. What area of the ocean is called a "sea" but is surrounded on no sides by land, only currents?
Answer: Sargasso Sea

8. What mineral coming from the sea is used for ritual purification in Japan?
Answer: Salt

9. What do Judaism, Christianity and Islamm share in common that makes them called "The People of the Book"?
Answer: a revealed text

10. What are people who have not been initiated when crossing the equator?
Answer: polywogs" or "tadpoles"