Week 9 - The end is in sight - but at something of a distance! (Sort of like Brooklyn College learning now)

1. What is the areas called where rivers meet the ocean?

2. Kelp lacks roots, but have something which looks something like them. What are they called?

3. What process, other than photosynthesis, do some autotrophs use to manufacture their own food?

4. What environmental niche is apparent from a tangle of roots above the surface of the water?

5. In the process of photosynthesis, what is produced in addition to oxygen?

6. To what kingdom do most photosynthetic organisms belong?

7. What kind of giant animal lives near the hydrothermal vents?

8. By what term are the trophc levels commonly refer?

9. What term is used for the organism at the top of the trophic level?

10. Where does most pollution in the ocean come from?


1. Few reptiles are found in the ocean. Which is the most common one?
ANSWER: sea turtles

2. What, specifically, is the largest mammal found in the ocean?
ANSWER: Blue whale

3. What term is used for the "plastic like" material (that really is keratin) that hangs down from the whale’s gums in toothless whales?
ANSWER: baleen

4. What bird is the most adapted to marine living?
ANSWER: penguins

5. What important ecological niche, often found in pelagic water and is about as diverse as a rain forest in its animal life?
ANSWER: coral reefs

6. What is a common cause of the sudden rapid growth of algae (algal bloom)?
ANSWER: eutrophication

7. The outlawing of the hunting of what animal seems to have caused an increase in the number of shark attacks on people in Cape Cod Bay?
ANSWER: seals

8. What is the longest structure in the world made by non human animals andis now a world heritage site?
ANSWER: THhe great barrier reef

9. The overfishing of some fish lead to a decline kelp. This is the result that environments are made up of many interactive parts. What do we call the kind of analysis needed to see these?
ANSWER: Systemic

10. What animal was thought to be the "origin" of mermaid stories?
ANSWER: Manatee