These are "rough" defintions to remind you what the term means. For the absolute technical definitions consult a scientific dictionary.

Absolute zero: The lowest possible temperature –273.15°C or –459.67°F

Anthropomorphism: Attributing human characteristics to non humans.

Aphotic: The layer of the ocean below the "dysphotic" where there is no light. Sometimes called "bathypelagic"

Atom: The smallest unit of an element.

Atmosphere: The air surrounding the Earth.

Autotroph: An organism which can manufacture its own food either by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.

Bathypelagic: The area of the ocean below the mesopelagic. Sometimes refered to as "aphotic".

Biosphere: The living organisms.

Breakers: A wave which whose base has contacted the bottom and is beginning to collapse. There are three tyoes associated with difrferent shore steepnesses:

(a) Spilling breakers
(b) plunging breakers
(c) surging breakers

Celsius: Same as centigrade. One of several scales measuring temperature. (see also Rankine, Fahrenheit and Kelvin). Celsius uses the freezing point of fresh water as zero and the boiling point of
     water as 100. Its degree is 1.8 times greater than the Fahrenheit degree.

Centigrade: One of several scales measuring temperature. (see also Rankine, Fahrenheit and Kelvin). Celsius uses the freezing point of fresh water as zero and the boiling point of water as 100. Its
      degree is 1.8 times greater than the Fahrenheit degree.

Chemosynthesis: The process by which an organism can manufacture food by using chemicals raher than sunlight. In one form, oxygen (O2), hydrogen sulfide H22 produce sugar (CH20),
      sulfur (S), and water (H20). There are other formulas used by different organisms.

The formula for chemosynthesis is CO2 + 4H2S + O2 -> CH20 + 4S + 3H2O Dysphotic: The layer of the ocean below the Euphotic, where there is some light but not enough for photosynthesis. Also called "mesopelagic"

Epipelagic: The uppermost area of the ocean. Sometimes called Euphotic.

Euphotic: The upper layer of teh ocean where there is sufficient light for photosythesis. Also referred to as "epipelagic"

Fahrenheit: One of several scales measuring temperature. (see also Rankine, Celsius and Kelvin). Fahrenheit uses the freezing point of brine (sea water) as zero and the boiling point of water
     as 212. Its degree is 5/9 of the Celsius degree.

Fetch: The distance across which the wind blows without interruption.

Hadalpelagic: The deep part of the ocean found in the deep marine trenches.

Heterotroph: an organism which has to eat. It can not make its own food.

Hydrosphere: The waters of the Earth.

Intertidal: The area between high and low tides. Sometimes called "Littoral". It is under water part of the day and ni the air part of the day.

Kelvin: One of several scales measuring temperature (see also Rankine, Fahrenheit and Celsius). Kelvin uses absolute zero as its "zero" and uses the Celsius degree.

Lithosphere: The outermost shell of the Earth. (the crust and the upper mantle).

Mesopelagic: The layer of water below the epipelagic. There is some light here but not enough for photosynthesis. Sometimes called "dysphotic".

Molecule: The smallest unit of a compound (that is 2 or more atoms).

Neap Tides: The lowest tides. Associated with the first and thrid quarter moons.

Nekton: Organisms that can swim.

Neritic: The area of the ocea about the continental shelf

Photosynthesis: The process whereby an organism can manufacture sugar by taking in Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H20) and turning then into a sugar (C6H12O6 and Oxygen (O2).
The formula usually is written as 6CO2 + 6H2O —> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Pelagic: The area of the ocean above the abyssal plain (beyond the continental shelf).

Plankton: Organisms which can not swim against a slight current (see also Nekton)

Primary Producer: An organism which uses sulight (photosynthesis) or chemicals (chemosynthesis) to make food. An autotroph.

Rogue Wave: A wave more than 2 times the height of the "Significant Wave Height" (SWH).

Significant Wave Height: (SWH) The mean of the largest third of the waves.

Spring Tides: The highest monthly tides. Associated with new and full moons.

Tectonic Plates: Varios plates in the Earth's rigid outer part called the "lithosphere". These "float" on the materials below and are associated with "continental drift"

Tides: Water movement caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon and centripedal forces.

Trophic Levels: The degree an organism is distanced from the primary producers. A "grazer", for example, that eats a plant would be one level above the primary producer.

Tsunami: Japanese for "harbor wave" A "seismic" wave. One caused by underea earthquakes, volcanic eruption or anything causing changes in the ocean basin.

Wave Base: The depth in the water beyond which there is no noticible orbital motion of water particles. Generally about 1/2 the wavelength.

Wave Crests: The highest part of the wave.

Wave Height: The distance from the wave trough to the wave crest.

Wave Length: The distance between the crests of 2 waves.

Wave Trough: The lowest part of the wave (found between two wave crests).