Reading Data from an Input File Stream


This example shows how to read from an input file stream. This example reads a data value into num from the file stream in6 (associated with an input file called in6.dat) and writes it to file stream out6.


Example 1:


     int num;

     ifstream in6("in6.dat");

     ofstream out6("out6.out");


     in6 >> num;

     // process num

     out6 << num;




Reading to Input Failure (the End-of-file Method)


            The end-of-file method (also called "reading to input failure") has the computer test for the actual end of the set of data. When the program tries to read past the last value in the file, the end-of-file condition is true.


            One advantage of the end-of-file method is that the computer, rather than the programmer, handles the details of detecting the end of the set of data. No phony values are needed, and the person entering the data does not have to know how many values there are. The method can be used when reading from an input stream or a file stream, and whether the program is reading individual numbers, strings, or characters.


            When you read from a stream or a file stream, the stream variable gets a value indicating the success or failure of the attempt to read. The attempt can fail either because you have come to the end of the input or because the data value read in cannot be appropriately converted to the type needed by the variable into which it is to be stored.


            The value of the stream variable can be used in a standard structured read loop so that the program will fall out of the loop at input failure.


Reading from an Input File Stream Until Input Failure


            This example shows how to read from an input file stream until input failure. This example reads data into num from the file stream in6 (associated with an input file called in6.dat) and writes it to file stream out6. The process continues until the attempt to read from the file fails; at that point, the program falls out of the loop.



Example 2:


     int num;

     ifstream in6("in6.dat");

     ofstream out6("out6.out");


     in6 >> num;

     while (in6) { // while a value was successfully read

         out6 << num; // process it

          in6 >> num; // try to get another value





            The stream variable in6 reports failure when the program tries to read past the last data value in the input stream (that is, when the program tries to read a value and there is no value present in the file). If there is a data value, the program enters the loop, reads and processes the value. If there is no value left in the file, the program falls out of the loop.



Reading Groups of Values in a Data Set


            Some programs read and process groups of data (for example, reading three temperatures and comparing them, or reading three grades and averaging them). There might be 15 to 20 groups of data in the file.


            Reading groups of values from a file can be accomplished simply by using one statement that reads the entire group of values. This is not considered acceptable when reading data interactively, because of the need to use prompts, but it is fine when reading from a file.


Example 3:


     int num1, num2, num3, result;

     ifstream infile("ftest.dat");


     infile >> num1 >> num2 >> num3;

     while (infile) {

          ... // process values here

          infile >> num1 >> num2 >> num3;



The program reads three values at a time from infile; if the read is successful, the program enters the loop, processes those three values, and goes to get three more. The problem with this method is that it does not tell which value caused input failure; as long as that doesn't matter to the programmer, this is acceptable.


Using the End-of-file Method with cin; Signaling End-of-File


            When reading from cin, the user must enter a special value, called the end-of-file character, to signal that there are no more data values. When the program reads this special value, the program interprets the value to mean that there are no more values to read in.


            The end-of-file character is entered by pressing <Ctrl>-z in Windows or DOS or <Ctrl>-d in Unix. The user must enter the end-of-file character when the program requests a data value. When the program reads this character, it stops looking for data values.


Note: The user does not need to do anything special to mark the end of an actual input file, since the computer can determine by itself that it has reached the end, and some editors supply an end-of-file character.


            The example below shows a simple loop that reads from the stream variable cin until input failure.


Reading from cin Until Input Failure


            This program reads values from cin and writes them to cout until the attempt to read fails; at that point, the program falls out of the loop. In the loop, the program counts the number of values as they are read in. When the user has run out of data, he or she enters the end-of-file character, signaling end-of-file and terminating the loop. When the loop terminates, n contains the number of values read in.


Example 4:


     int n = 0,num;


     cout << "Enter a number> ";

     cin >> num;

     while (cin) { // while a value was successfully read

          cout << num << endl; // process it


          cin >> num; // try to get another value


     cout << n << " values were entered" << endl;


            Suppose the user enters 5 and then 12. First num gets the value 5, and cin has a value indicating success; the program enters the loop, prints 5, counts it, and goes to read another value. The next value entered into num is 12. At the top of the loop, cin again reports success, and the program enters the loop, prints 12, and counts it. The next time the program asks for a value, the user presses <Ctrl>-z in Windows (or <Ctrl>-d in Unix). The program interprets this to mean that there are no more data values; as a result, cin reports failure, and the program falls out of the loop and prints "2 values were entered".