CISC 1110 Review Sheet--Test 1

The test covers Chaps. 1-5 (except Chap. 3, Sections 8 & 9; Chap. 4, Section 4; and Chap. 5, Sections 5 and 7) plus CodeLab on those chapters, plus the history of computing.

You should be able to

1. declare and initialize variables, using types int and double, and declare and use a constant.

2. use assignment statements and read from cin to give values to variables.

3. print values by sending them to cout, including using tabs and endl.

4. evaluate expressions using arithmetic and relational operators using the rules of precedence. This includes using increment, decrement, and compound assignment operators and calls to standard library functions like sqrt() and abs().

5. use a for loop or a while loop to control the flow of a program.

6. use an if statement or an if-else statement to control the flow of a program.

7. know how to terminate data input by using the phony value (trailer) method or by entering the limit value of a loop as data.

8. know how to declare and use an output file

9. know how to do summation.

10. know how to write and call a function, sending it one or more parameters, and how to write parameterless functions and void functions.

11. know the placement and form of a function prototype.

12. know how to return a value from a function.

13. be able to trace the execution of a program, including calls to and return from a function.

14. know the difference between compilation and execution.

15. know how to write comments, including I-P-O comments.

16. be able to identify compilation errors in a program.

17. know the parts of the computer and how they are used.

18. know the history of computing, including the 4 generations and what they were associated with in hardware and software, major historical figures and what they did, and other material.