/** Create a coin array of fixed size and initialize Coin objects and store it in the array. Also count how many of them are "heads" and how many of them are "tails". When compiling, make sure the Coin.java and this file, ObjectArrayDemo.java is in the same directory. To compile: $> javac ObjectArrayDemo.java This will produce Coin.class and ObjectArrayDemo.class bytecode files. To run: $> java ObjectArrayDemo OR alternatively, you may want to run the Coin classes unit test: $> java Coin @author A. Ozgelen */ public class ObjectArrayDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { final int NUMCOINS = 10 ; // create a Coin array Coin[] pocket = new Coin[NUMCOINS]; int headcount = 0, tailcount = 0; // initialize the values in the Coin array for(int i = 0 ; i < pocket.length ; i++) { pocket[i] = new Coin(); // update counts for heads and tails using conditional operator (pocket[i].getFace() == Coin.HEADS) ? headcount++ : tailcount; /* above statement is same as: if(pocket[i].getFace() == Coin.HEADS) headcount++; else tailcount++; */ } // print result System.out.println("Out of " + NUMCOINS + " coins, " + headcount + " of them are heads and " + tailcount +" of them are tails. Here is the list:"); for(int i = 0 ; i < pocket.length ; i++) { System.out.println("pocket[" + i + "]= " + pocket[i].toString()); } } }