/* This program demonstrates the usage of Integer and String classes. */ public class WrapperDemo { public static void main(String[] args){ /* Integer wrapper class demo */ Integer I = new Integer(42); // creates a new Integer object with value 42 int i = I.intValue(); // convert it to int primitive type i++; // increment i // int i is converted to string and concatenated to "i++ =". System.out.println("i++ = " + i); // same as the previous statement. This one is better in terms of performance System.out.println("i++ = " + Integer.toString(i)); // The below System.out.println statements use toString() method for printing. // directly concatenating the below variables will indirectly call this method // but there will be overhead of creating intermediary objects. System.out.println("I = " + I.toString() + "\n"); // alternatively parseInt can be called to directly convert a String to primitive type int if(args.length > 0) { try { int argInt = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); argInt++; System.out.println(argInt + "\n"); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("You must enter a number"); } } /* String class demo */ String str = "text"; System.out.println("Test string: " + str + "\n"); char x = str.charAt(2); System.out.println("charAt(2) = " + Character.toString(x) + "\n"); int len = str.length(); System.out.println("length() = " + Integer.toString(len) + "\n"); System.out.println("str.equals(\"text\"): " + str.equals("text") + "\n"); i = str.compareTo("string"); System.out.println("compareTo(\"string\") :" + Integer.toString(i) + "\n"); i = str.compareTo("word"); System.out.println("compareTo(\"word\") : " + Integer.toString(i) + "\n"); i = str.compareTo("text"); System.out.println("compareTo(\"text\") : " + Integer.toString(i) + "\n"); } }