
  1. What is the textbook?
  2. Should we buy the textbook?
  3. How do I submit my homework?
  4. How do I create a ZIP file?

Some answers

  1. What is the textbook?

    C++ By Dissection by Ira Pohl, Addison-Wesley (2001).

    Further details can be found on the information page.

  2. Should we buy the textbook?

    My usual policy is to try to provide, in the form of notes, all the material that you will need to pass the course. However, for a course like this, I think most people find it useful to have a book to refer to, so you may well find it useful to buy the textbook.

  3. How do I submit my homework?

    See my notes on submitting homework.

  4. How do I create a ZIP file?

    See my notes on using ZIP.