/*------------------------------------------------------------------\ | | | A variation on the wall follower which uses a simple | | behaviour-based subsumption architecture implemented as a set of | | interacting tasks. | | | | Simon Parsons | | City University of New York | | June 2003 | | | \------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The behaviours are organised as a set of concurrent tasks. The interaction is controlled by: * setting semaphores to reset behaviours; * switching tasks off to inhibit them; and * supressing them by setting semaphores. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Initialisation // // Name sensors #define BUMP_LEFT SENSOR_1 #define FLOOR_LIGHT SENSOR_2 #define BUMP_RIGHT SENSOR_3 // Name variables #define LEFT_MOTOR OUT_A #define RIGHT_MOTOR OUT_C // Define constants #define THRESHOLD 50 #define DRIVE_LEFT 1 #define DRIVE_RIGHT 6 #define TURN_POWER 2 #define BACK_TIME_FIXED 10 #define BACK_TIME_RAND 20 #define TURN_TIME_FIXED 20 #define TURN_TIME_RAND 10 // Define semaphores to reset and suppress tasks int RESET_LEFT = 0; int RESET_RIGHT = 0; int RESET_FORWARD = 0; int SUPPRESS_LEFT = 0; int SUPPRESS_RIGHT = 0; int SUPPRESS_FORWARD = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Main task // // Start everything up and then hand over control to the behaviours. task main() { // Initialise sensors SetSensor(BUMP_LEFT, SENSOR_TOUCH); SetSensor(BUMP_RIGHT, SENSOR_TOUCH); SetSensor(FLOOR_LIGHT, SENSOR_LIGHT); // Set random seed //SetRandomSeed(20); // Start motors SetPower(LEFT_MOTOR, DRIVE_LEFT); SetPower(RIGHT_MOTOR, DRIVE_RIGHT); OnFwd(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // Start behaviours start GoForward; start WatchLeft; start WatchRight; start MonitorLight; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Behaviours to implement the intentions // // Check for things to the left, and turn away from them. task WatchLeft() { while(true) { // Any reset code should go here if(RESET_LEFT) ; // If we hit something on the left, inhibit forward motion and // turning to the right, turn left, then renable them. if (BUMP_LEFT) { stop GoForward; stop WatchRight; AvoidLeft(SUPPRESS_LEFT); start WatchRight; start GoForward; } } } // Check for things to the right, and turn away from them. task WatchRight() { while(true) { // Any reset code should go here if(RESET_RIGHT) ; // If we hit something on the right, inhibit forward motion and // turn right, then renable forward motion. if (BUMP_RIGHT) { stop GoForward; AvoidRight(SUPPRESS_RIGHT); start GoForward; } } } // Drive on. task GoForward() { while(true) { // Any reset code should go here if(RESET_FORWARD) ; // Drive normally, but be aware of suppression. DriveOn(SUPPRESS_FORWARD); } } // Watch for bright patches on the floor and suppress other behaviours // in that case. task MonitorLight() { // Switch off motion while over a light patch. while(true) { if(FLOOR_LIGHT > THRESHOLD) { SUPPRESS_FORWARD = 1; SUPPRESS_RIGHT = 1; SUPPRESS_LEFT = 1; } if(FLOOR_LIGHT <= THRESHOLD) { SUPPRESS_FORWARD = 0; SUPPRESS_RIGHT = 0; SUPPRESS_LEFT = 0; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The functions that create the behaviours. // // Backup and turn to the right unless being suppressed. void AvoidLeft(int switch_off) { if(!switch_off) { Off(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // Motors off and OnRev(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // then back up. Wait(BACK_TIME_FIXED +Random(BACK_TIME_RAND)); Off(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // Motors off again, SetPower(LEFT_MOTOR, TURN_POWER); // then reset power, SetPower(RIGHT_MOTOR, TURN_POWER); // and turn. OnFwd(LEFT_MOTOR); OnRev(RIGHT_MOTOR); Wait(TURN_TIME_FIXED +Random(TURN_TIME_RAND)); Off(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // Finally, shut } // turn motors off. } // Backup and turn to the left unless suppressed. void AvoidRight(int switch_off) { if(!switch_off) { Off(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // Motors off and OnRev(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // then back up. Wait(BACK_TIME_FIXED +Random(BACK_TIME_RAND)); Off(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // Motors off again, SetPower(LEFT_MOTOR, TURN_POWER); // then reset power, SetPower(RIGHT_MOTOR, TURN_POWER); // and turn. OnFwd(RIGHT_MOTOR); OnRev(LEFT_MOTOR); Wait(TURN_TIME_FIXED +Random(TURN_TIME_RAND)); Off(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // Finally, shut // turn motors off. } } // Drive ahead, but the motor powers make the robot run to the // left. If suppressed, turn motors off. void DriveOn(int switch_off) { if(switch_off) { Off(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // Supression means } // turn motors off else { SetPower(LEFT_MOTOR, DRIVE_LEFT); // Set power, then SetPower(RIGHT_MOTOR, DRIVE_RIGHT); // forward. OnFwd(LEFT_MOTOR+RIGHT_MOTOR); // head off. } }