

Welcome back from break.

As some of you have realised, the syllabus page had today down as the 29th, and this error was repeated on the homework (now corrected).

As a result, homework 3 was due today.

In case some of you didn't realise this, and expected to hand in your homework on the 29th (next Sunday), you can. Drop it off either in the departmnet office, or under my office door, before Monday, and I'll consider it was handed in on time.

The fourth homework is now posted on the homework page.

Technically that is due on May 10th.

However, I will be away that day, and you will be doing the last robot project.

Because of that, you can hand the homework in the following week, May 17th. If you do this, tho', I will (obviously) not be able to mark and return the work *before* the exam.

The moral: if you want your work marked and returned before the exam, hand it in by Monday the 14th May (by the same method as described above).


The third homework is now posted on the homework page.

I also changed the due date for the homework.


I posted a bunch more information about the projects, including some sample code for the different architectures that I want you to use for the different projects.


The second homework is now posted on the homework page.

This homework is due on the 8th March.


Remember that next week is the next robotics project. You will need to prepare beforehand.

See the projects page for detailsof what you code will need to be able to do.


The first homework is now posted on the homework page.

This homework is due on the 8th March.

Note also that I just rejigged the notes for Lecture 4 a little, so you may want to download those again. The explanation of MetateM should be a bit clearer now.


The syllabus page has been re-arranged, though the only real changes are later on in the semester.

The information on the remaining robotics sessions is now up on the projects page


Welcome to the course. The site is finally up.

Copies of my slides are linked through the syllabus page