Notes and Reading - Lecture #1

Lecture #1 was an introduction to the course and to the general topic of intelligent agents and multiagent systems.


The slides I used for the introduction:

and the material on intelligent agents: are both available in two formats.


You should read through Chapter 1 of the textbook if you have it.

The text book suggests this paper as a class reading:

A. H. Bond and L. Gasser A Survey of Distributed Artificial Intelligence in Readings in Distributed Artificial INtelligence, (A. H. Bond and L. Gasser eds.) Morgan Kaufmann, San Matteo, CA, 1988.
I also think that this following paper is well worth reading as an overview of the whole area of autonomous agents and mutiagent systems:
M. Wooldridge and N. R. Jennings. Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice, Knowledge Engineering Review 10(2), 1995.
I assume the author of the textbook is just too modest to want to reference his own stuff, I can't see any other reason.