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Class pinball.log.LogFile


public class LogFile
extends Object
Opens a log file for reading or writing.

Constructor Index

 o LogFile(String, Applet)
Get the file from applets.
 o LogFile(String, char)
Opens a log file for reading or writting.

Method Index

 o getReader()
Get the reading part of the file, if opened for reading.
 o getWriter()
Get the writing part of the file, if opened for writing.


 o LogFile
 public LogFile(String name,
                char how) throws IOException
Opens a log file for reading or writting.

name - file name of the log file.
how - how the file is to be opened. w for write, r for read.
 o LogFile
 public LogFile(String name,
                Applet applet)
Get the file from applets.

name - the filename.
applet - the applet that has file.


 o getReader
 public BufferedReader getReader()
Get the reading part of the file, if opened for reading.

The reading part of the file.
 o getWriter
 public DataOutputStream getWriter()
Get the writing part of the file, if opened for writing.

The writing part of the file.

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