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Class pinball.part.Camera


public class Camera
extends Object
implements Serializable
The camera is what allows the system to see. It grabs a frame and sends it into the computer. The camera needs various parameters, such as size, brightness, and contrast, to know how to take a picture.

Variable Index

 o brightness
Brightness of the camera.
 o buffers
Amount of display buffers.
 o cameraFrame
Current frame from the camera.
 o contrast
Contrast of the camera.
 o displayRate
Display every nth frame.
 o live
Live from the camera.
 o login
Input file.
 o logout
Output file.
 o maxHeight
Max height of the frame.
 o maxWidth
Max width of the frame.
 o play
Playing from a file.
 o record
Recording to a file.
 o transfer
The camera's transfer.
 o transferset
Contrast of the camera.
 o videoLog
Video log, for recording or playing a game.
 o xoffset
horizontal image offset
 o xsize
horizontal size
 o yoffset
vertical image offset
 o ysize
vertical size
 o zoom

Constructor Index

 o Camera(boolean)
Setup the camera.

Method Index

 o brightness()
Get brightness.
 o cameraInfo()
Setup the camera information.
 o contrast()
Get contrast.
 o FrameResize(int, int, int, int, int)
Resize the frame.
 o frameSize()
Get the number of bytes for the frame.
 o grabFrame(BufferInfo)
Grab a frame from the camera.
 o GrabFrame(byte[])
Grab the frame from the camera.
 o imageSize()
Image dimensions
 o Init()
Initalize the camera.
 o nextBall()
Go to the next log video log file.
 o resizeFrame(BufferInfo)
Resize the frame.
 o toString()
Get the name of the camera.
 o transfer()
Get the transfer size.
 o XOffset()
Get the frame's x offset.
 o xSize()
Get the frame's x size.
 o YOffset()
Get the frame's y offset.
 o ySize()
Get the frame's y size.
 o zoomSize()
Get the frame's zoom size.


 o xsize
 protected int xsize
horizontal size

 o ysize
 protected int ysize
vertical size

 o xoffset
 protected int xoffset
horizontal image offset

 o yoffset
 protected int yoffset
vertical image offset

 o transfer
 protected int transfer
The camera's transfer.

 o zoom
 protected int zoom

 o buffers
 protected int buffers
Amount of display buffers.

 o displayRate
 protected int displayRate
Display every nth frame.

 o brightness
 protected int brightness
Brightness of the camera.

 o contrast
 protected int contrast
Contrast of the camera.

 o transferset
 protected int transferset
Contrast of the camera.

 o maxWidth
 public static final int maxWidth
Max width of the frame.

 o maxHeight
 public static final int maxHeight
Max height of the frame.

 o logout
 protected ObjectOutputStream logout
Output file.

 o login
 protected ObjectInputStream login
Input file.

 o videoLog
 protected VideoLog videoLog
Video log, for recording or playing a game.

 o live
 protected boolean live
Live from the camera.

 o record
 protected boolean record
Recording to a file.

 o play
 protected boolean play
Playing from a file.

 o cameraFrame
 protected CameraFrame cameraFrame
Current frame from the camera.


 o Camera
 public Camera(boolean driver)
Setup the camera.

driver - load the driver or not.


 o cameraInfo
 public void cameraInfo()
Setup the camera information.

 o toString
 public String toString()
Get the name of the camera.

camera's name.
toString in class Object
 o grabFrame
 public void grabFrame(BufferInfo buffinfo)
Grab a frame from the camera.

buffinfo - the buffer to store the frame in.
 o nextBall
 public synchronized void nextBall()
Go to the next log video log file.

 o Init
 protected native void Init()
Initalize the camera.

 o GrabFrame
 public native void GrabFrame(byte buffer[])
Grab the frame from the camera.

buffer - the location to store the frame.
 o FrameResize
 protected native void FrameResize(int width,
                                   int hight,
                                   int xoffset,
                                   int offset,
                                   int transfer)
Resize the frame.

width - the width of the frame.
height - the height of the frame.
xoffset - the xoffset of the frame.
yoffset - the yoffset of the frame.
 o xSize
 public int xSize()
Get the frame's x size.

x size.
 o ySize
 public int ySize()
Get the frame's y size.

y size.
 o frameSize
 public int frameSize()
Get the number of bytes for the frame.

number of bytes for this frame.
 o zoomSize
 public int zoomSize()
Get the frame's zoom size.

zoom size.
 o XOffset
 public int XOffset()
Get the frame's x offset.

x offset.
 o YOffset
 public int YOffset()
Get the frame's y offset.

y offset.
 o resizeFrame
 public void resizeFrame(BufferInfo buffinfo)
Resize the frame.

buffinfo - with frame size to resize.
 o transfer
 public int transfer()
Get the transfer size.

transfer size.
 o brightness
 public int brightness()
Get brightness.

 o contrast
 public int contrast()
Get contrast.

 o imageSize
 public Dimension imageSize()
Image dimensions

image dimensions.

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