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Class pinball.player.ProcessImage


public class ProcessImage
extends Object
implements Serializable
Find's the location of the blip in the image.

Variable Index

 o black
A black pixel.
 o blipLocationFrame
Location of blips in the image.
 o currentDifferenceFrame
The current difference frame.
 o foundObjects
Found objects.
 o i
Used in for loops.
 o lastDifferenceFrame
Last difference frame.
 o lastFrame
The last frame.
 o lastFrameSize
Size of the last frame.
 o lastXSize
Last XSize of the image.
 o lastYSize
Last YSize of the image.
 o maxObject
Biggest object.
 o objectsFrame
Frame of objects.
 o pixelRate
Rate of pixels to skip while processing.
 o start
The first pixel to start at.
 o thing
The object working on.
 o threshold
The threshold in comparing the images for changes.
 o verboseFrame
Verbose Image.
 o white
A white pixel.
 o xsize
XSize of the image.
 o ysize
YSize of the image.

Constructor Index

 o ProcessImage()
For extended classes.
 o ProcessImage(byte[], int)
Make the first frame for comparison.

Method Index

 o merge(int, int)
Merge two objects into one.
 o process(byte[], int, BufferInfo)
Analize the frame for the ball.
 o processed()
Get the last difference image.
 o setup(byte[], int)
Setup the arrays.
 o skip(BufferInfo)
Buffer was skipped.


 o threshold
 protected int threshold
The threshold in comparing the images for changes.

 o white
 protected byte white
A white pixel.

 o black
 protected byte black
A black pixel.

 o lastFrame
 protected byte lastFrame[]
The last frame.

 o currentDifferenceFrame
 protected byte currentDifferenceFrame[]
The current difference frame.

 o lastDifferenceFrame
 protected byte lastDifferenceFrame[]
Last difference frame.

 o blipLocationFrame
 protected byte blipLocationFrame[]
Location of blips in the image.

 o verboseFrame
 protected byte verboseFrame[]
Verbose Image.

 o objectsFrame
 protected int objectsFrame[][]
Frame of objects.

 o maxObject
 protected int maxObject
Biggest object.

 o foundObjects
 protected Vector foundObjects
Found objects.

 o thing
 protected Blip thing
The object working on.

 o i
 protected int i
Used in for loops.

 o xsize
 protected int xsize
XSize of the image.

 o ysize
 protected int ysize
YSize of the image.

 o lastXSize
 protected int lastXSize
Last XSize of the image.

 o lastYSize
 protected int lastYSize
Last YSize of the image.

 o pixelRate
 protected int pixelRate
Rate of pixels to skip while processing.

 o start
 protected int start
The first pixel to start at.

 o lastFrameSize
 protected int lastFrameSize
Size of the last frame. Used to see if the frame has changed size. If so, resize the frames's arrays.


 o ProcessImage
 protected ProcessImage(byte frame[],
                        int x)
Make the first frame for comparison.

frame - the frame used for comparison.
x - the width of the image.
 o ProcessImage
 protected ProcessImage()
For extended classes.


 o setup
 protected void setup(byte frame[],
                      int x)
Setup the arrays.

frame - the frame used for comparison.
x - the width of the image.
 o process
 protected void process(byte frame[],
                        int x,
                        BufferInfo buffinfo)
Analize the frame for the ball.

frame - frame to analyze
width - the width of the image
buffinfo - the storage for the blips it finds.
 o merge
 protected void merge(int a,
                      int b)
Merge two objects into one.

a - object a.
b - object b.
 o skip
 protected void skip(BufferInfo buffinfo)
Buffer was skipped.

buffinfo - buffer info to skip.
 o processed
 protected byte[] processed()
Get the last difference image.

the last difference frame.

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