CISC 3110 -- Homework Assignments

All homework assignments will be handed in in two ways:
  1. a printed copy of the source code, input and output.
    The cover sheet should include your name, login (NOT password) and your email address.
  2. Source code, input, and output files posted on your ITS website. (Part of assignment #1 is the creation of your website.) You may use the UNIX script command to capture the i/o if you are using console input and output. Alternatively, you may use file redirection (< and >).
  3. Note: There is NO emailing homework assignments. However, you may email me questions.

    Assignment #1
    Part 1 must be done by Wednesday, Sept 7. The assignment is due to be turned in on Monday, September 19.

    Assignment #2, Due: Monday, October 3.

    Be sure to read the Guidelines for programming assignments . Yes, comments and readability will be included in the grade.

    Assignment #3, Due: Wednesday, November 2 November 9.

    Assignment #4, Due: Monday, November 21.

    Assignment #5, Due: Wednesday, December 7.

    Assignment #6, Due: Wednesday, December 14 (last day of class).