UNIX Remote Access

You can access the Lab UNIX/SUN stations from any compter with Internet access.

To do so, you must first connect to your ISP (Internet Service Provider, e.g.verizon)

The preferred connection method is SSH (Secure Shell) . Secure shell does not transmit your password in the clear across the internet, as telnet and ftp do. Also, SSH provides a gui interface for file transfer (sftp - secure file transfer protocol) which is much more convenient than the standard ftp.

If you are running Linux, Unix, or a Mac, ssh is probably available on your system.

For MS Windows users, you must install ssh, which is available for free for use with Brooklyn College only .
To download ssh, visit:

Source code is also available at http:/openssh.org.

Once you open ssh, you set up a connection with any one of the Unix machines that are available for remote login. The following is a partial list. Each machine's name is atriumX.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu, where the X may be replaced with any one number from the following list:
2-9, 11, 12, 31-39, 42-46, 63, 90-95, 99

Putty can be used as a telnet client, and also has free windows install packages at: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

If you want to use telnet, and ftp, you may see these instructions.

All of this information comes from the ITS services site.