/* This is the example from class today. And this is an example of a multi-line header comment. Note that I had an error on the board in converting from input String to float. See the line marked *** */ public class ex6 { public static void main( String[] args ) { // declarations char status; float inc; double base, rate, offset, tax; // check that user entered enough command line arguments if ( args.length < 2 ) { System.out.println( "usage: java ex6 " ); System.exit( 1 ); } // convert command line arguments to data types needed here status = args[0].charAt( 0 ); inc = (Float.valueOf( args[1] )).floatValue(); //*** // echo input, after it has been converted System.out.println( "status=" + status ); System.out.println( "inc=" + inc ); // now find base, rate and offset, based on inputs if ( status == 'S' ) { if ( inc > 0 ) { if ( inc > 21450 ) { if ( inc > 51900 ) { base = 11743.50; rate = 0.31; offset = 51900; } // end if inc > 51900 else { base = 3217.50; rate = 0.28; offset = 21450; } // end else 21450 < inc <= 51900 } // end if inc > 21450 else { base = 0; rate = 0.15; offset = 0; } // end else 0 < inc <= 21450 } // end if inc > 0 else { base = 0; rate = 0; offset = 0; } // end else inc <= 0 } // end if status == 'S' else { if ( inc > 0 ) { if ( inc > 35800 ) { if ( inc > 86500 ) { base = 19566.00; rate = 0.31; offset = 86500; } // end if inc > 86500 else { base = 5370.00; rate = 0.28; offset = 35800; } // end else 35800 < inc <= 86500 } // end if inc > 35800 else { base = 0; rate = 0.15; offset = 0; } // end else 0 < inc <= 35800 } // end if inc > 0 else { base = 0; rate = 0; offset = 0; } // end else inc <= 0 } // end else status != 'S' (i.e., status == 'M') tax = (inc - offset)*rate + base; System.out.println( "tax = " + tax ); } // end of main() } // end of class ex6