/* RENAME THIS CLASS AS DESCRIBED IN THE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS!!! */ public class Player { /*------------------------------------------------------ (1) declare global constants here ----------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------ (2) declare global variables here ----------------------------------------------------*/ Deck deck; // don't change this line! /*------------------------------------------------------ (3) complete this Player constructor ----------------------------------------------------*/ public Player( Deck deck0 ) { // don't change this line! deck = deck0; // don't change this line! } // end of Player constructor /*------------------------------------------------------ (4) write a method that returns a string version of the cards in the player's hand ----------------------------------------------------*/ public String toString() { } // end of toString() /*------------------------------------------------------ (5) write a method that returns the score of the cards in the player's hand ----------------------------------------------------*/ public int getScore() { } // end of getScore() /*------------------------------------------------------ (6) write a method that receives a card from the dealer and stores it in the player's hand. note that this method should update the score of the hand when a new card is added. ----------------------------------------------------*/ public void hitMe() { } // end of hitMe() /*------------------------------------------------------ (7) the following method plays a naive game of blackjack, continually receiving new cards until the score of the hand exceeds 21. modify this method to play use a smarter strategy. ----------------------------------------------------*/ public void play() { while ( score < 21 ) { hitMe(); System.out.println( toString() ); } // end while } // end of play() } // end of class Player