regrade policy.

If you feel that there was an error in grading your homework or exam, then you need to write on a piece of paper a description of the error.

The TA's are given a list of expectations for each homework assignment and told where to take off points. So if your complaint is that too many points were taken off for one kind of mistake or another in your program, then generally those types of things will not change in a regrade.

If there is a genuine error in the marking, like we thought something was missing, but it is really there, then you will likely get points restored.

HOWEVER, a regrade means that the entire assignment will be remarked, so be aware that your mark can go down as well as up.

Regrades take while to process, so be patient. If you need the work to study from, then make a copy of it before you turn it in for a regrade.

--Prof Sklar.

Deadline for regrade requests
Homework/Exam Regrade Deadline