/* Ball.java The Ball class controls the movement of a ball and playing sounds when it hits a wall. */ import java.awt.*; import java.lang.*; import java.applet.*; public class Ball implements Runnable { private String name; private Color color; private Stage stage; private Thread runner; private double x0, y0; // Initial position in each dimension. private double v0x, v0y; // Initial velocity in each dimension. private double ax, ay; // Acceleration in each dimension. private double x, y; // Current position in each dimension. private double t; private final double dt = 0.05; private final int r = 10; private int sleepy; //----- constructor public Ball( String n, Color c,Stage s,int sleepy ) { name = n; color = c; stage = s; this.sleepy = sleepy; // initial conditions. t = 0; x = x0 = 2*r; y = y0 = 2*r; v0x = 2; // velocity of 2 to the right v0y = 0; ax = 0; ay = 0.1; // acceleration downward runner = null; } // end of Ball constructor //----- methods for stage object to call. public void start() { if ( runner == null ) { runner = new Thread( this,name ); runner.start(); } else { runner.resume(); } } // end of start() public void stop() { runner.suspend(); } // end of stop() //----- methods for runner thread to run public void run() { while ( true ) { for ( int i=0; i<10; i++ ) { computeNewPosition(); } try { Thread.sleep( sleepy ); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { break; } } } // end of run() public void setSleepy( int sleepy ) { this.sleepy = sleepy; } // end of setSleepy() public void paint( Graphics g ) { int size = 2 * r; g.setColor(color); g.fillOval((int)(x - r), (int)(y - r), size, size); } // end of paint() public String toString() { return name; } // end of toString() //----- private methods. private void computeNewPosition() { boolean collisionX, collisionY; // update t and calculate one-dimensional motion with constant // acceleration in each dimension. t += dt; x = x0 + v0x*t + 0.5*ax*t*t; y = y0 + v0y*t + 0.5*ay*t*t; // detect collisions with walls. collisionX = ((x - r) <= 0 || (x + r) >= stage.size().width); collisionY = ((y - r) <= 0 || (y + r) >= stage.size().height); if ( collisionX || collisionY ) { // a collision occurred, so set initial conditions to // current conditions and reset t. Reverse velocity in // any dimension in which a collision occurred. v0x = v0x + ax * t; v0y = v0y + ay * t; if (collisionX) v0x = -v0x; if (collisionY) v0y = -v0y; x0 = x; y0 = y; t = 0; // play sound stage.bounce.sound.play(); System.out.println( "bounce!" ); } } // end of computeNewPosition() } // end of Ball class