/* * 1.1 version. */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.Applet; public class ListDemo extends Applet implements ActionListener, ItemListener { TextArea output; List spanish, italian; String newline; public void init() { newline = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //Build first list, which allows multiple selections. spanish = new List(4, true); //prefer 4 items visible spanish.add("uno"); spanish.add("dos"); spanish.add("tres"); spanish.add("cuatro"); spanish.add("cinco"); spanish.add("seis"); spanish.add("siete"); spanish.addActionListener(this); spanish.addItemListener(this); //Build second list, which allows one selection at a time. italian = new List(); //Defaults to none visible, only one selectable italian.add("uno"); italian.add("due"); italian.add("tre"); italian.add("quattro"); italian.add("cinque"); italian.add("sei"); italian.add("sette"); italian.addActionListener(this); italian.addItemListener(this); //Add lists to the Applet. GridBagLayout gridBag = new GridBagLayout(); setLayout(gridBag); //Can't put text area on right due to GBL bug //(can't span rows in any column but the first). output = new TextArea(10, 40); output.setEditable(false); GridBagConstraints tc = new GridBagConstraints(); tc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; tc.weightx = 1.0; tc.weighty = 1.0; tc.gridheight = 2; gridBag.setConstraints(output, tc); add(output); GridBagConstraints lc = new GridBagConstraints(); lc.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL; lc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row gridBag.setConstraints(spanish, lc); add(spanish); gridBag.setConstraints(italian, lc); add(italian); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { List list = (List)(e.getSource()); String language = (list == spanish) ? "Spanish" : "Italian"; output.append("Action event occurred on \"" + list.getSelectedItem() + "\" in " + language + "." + newline); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { List list = (List)(e.getItemSelectable()); String language = (list == spanish) ? "Spanish" : "Italian"; int index = ((Integer)(e.getItem())).intValue(); if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { output.append("Select event occurred on item #" + index + " (\"" + list.getItem(index) + "\") in " + language + "." + newline); } else { //the item was deselected output.append("Deselect event occurred on item #" + index + " (\"" + list.getItem(index) + "\") in " + language + "." + newline); } } }