submission policy

Here are the rules. Please know them well.

  1. All homeworks and the research project are due on Tuesdays.

  2. All homeworks and the research project must be submitted at the BEGINNING of class on the due-date.

  3. All homeworks and the research project must be typed in a readable font (e.g., Times 11 point) and written clearly in English.

  4. Late homeworks (and the research project) will be accepted up to the BEGINNING of the Friday class of the week that they were due. The grade for late work will be lowered by 10% of the grade earned for the work.

  5. ONE late homework during the term will be forgiven (i.e., no penalty one time only) -- BUT NOT THE RESEARCH PROJECT!!!

Exceptions and extensions are possible, primarily based on documented medical emergencies. You must consult me on an individual basis, and suitable arrangements will be made.

Thanks for understanding,
--Prof Sklar.