CIS Independent Study / Internship Project Requirements
Prof Sklar
Spring 2006

for students who are registered for 60.1 and 60.2:


By Friday MARCH 31, please email me:

  1. A copy of your log/journal detailing your visits to the classroom for robotics;
  2. Ideas for the lesson plan(s) you intend to implement;
  3. and

  4. Ideas for the applied portion of the project--what contribution are you planning to make to our effort? will you help with building plans? web site design/development?


The following is due BY THURSDAY MAY 25:

  1. A copy of your log/journal detailing your visits to the classroom for robotics for the whole semester (this includes what you already sent for the mid-term project report);
  2. The lesson plan(s) you implemented. This should include:
  3. A write-up of the applied portion of the project. This should include:

All materials should be submitted to me by Thursday May 25. Please submit: