Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Game Overview & Directions

Welcome to the world of Pokemon!

Your objective as a Pokemon trainer is to capture the cute, lovable yellow Pokemon known as Pikachu!
To do this, you must release the Pokeball at the right time and make it collide with Pikachu.

Game Objects

Pikachu Pikachu
Pokeball Pokeball


1) Press the Play button to start the game.
2) Press the Stop button to stop the game.
Then press the Play button to resume playing the game.
3) Press the Throw Pokeball button to release the pokeball from the
trainer's hand located at the bottom of the game screen.
4) Press the Move Hand Left button to move both the trainer's hand and pokeball
to the left simultaneously (note: you have not yet released the pokeball).
5) Press the Move Hand Right button to move both the trainer's hand and pokeball
to the right simultaneously (note: you have not yet released the pokeball).
6) You can press the Play button in succession (without pressing other buttons)
to increase the speed of Pikachu and the release speed of the Pokeball. Thus, this allows you to
increase the difficulty of the challenge.


Every time the Pokeball successfully hits Pikachu, your score increases by 1.
Every time you miss Pikachu, your number of missed attempts goes up by 1.
When the Pokeball collides with Pikachu, the time of collision is recorded which denotes
the amount of time (in milliseconds) it took for you to successfully capture Pikachu.


There is an audio control at the bottom of the game screen that allows you
to adjust the sound to your liking (if you wish, you can even mute the sound).

Good Luck!!