// pgm1 -- data, variables, expressions // 8/31/16 #include using namespace std; int main() { int area, length, width; length = 12; width = 15; area = length * width; // times cout << "The length is: " << length << " the width is: " << width << " and the area is " << area << "." << endl; long long int a; a = 4000000000; cout << "What value does a have now? " << a << endl; return 0; } /* Lab1 is posted online. Time Permitting, here is Lab 2: Declare variables for course numbers of courses that you are taking. For example: int course1; Give values to each course. Then, print the course list, each course number on its own line. Sample OUTPUT: I am taking the following courses this semester: 1110 3220 1050 */