// 10/25/2017 /** Introducing the for loop */ import java.util.Scanner; public class ForLoop { /** ForLoop introduces the for loop and its components. */ public static void main(String[] args) { // want to number 5 lines with colon for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) // i is declared in the initialization of loop // hence its scope is only in this for loop System.out.println(i + ":"); // want to print the numbers in descending order, 5, 4, ... for (int i=5; i>=1; i--) { // can reuse same var name i since its a different scope System.out.println(i + ":"); } // at this point, i is not ACCESSIBLE since it is out of scope int j; // declare my "counter" variable for the for loop // if you want access to j outside the for loop, declare it before // entering loop. for (j=1; j<=10; j++) { System.out.print(j + " "); } System.out.println();// go to next line in output screen // fall out of loop, is j accessible? YES. System.out.println("fall out of loop, j's value is: " + j); } }