/* 9/24/2019 * Expressions are constructed from variables, literals, arithmetic operators * expressions evaluate to a single value * mult, div *, / * add, sub +, - */ public class Expressions { public static void main(String[] args) { int itemsOrdered, qtyOnHand; itemsOrdered=3; qtyOnHand=300; // say you want to order one more itemsOrdered = itemsOrdered+1; qtyOnHand = qtyOnHand-itemsOrdered; System.out.println(itemsOrdered + " items were ordered, " + qtyOnHand + " items left."); double price=113.75; double salesTax; // calculate sales tax on the price salesTax = price * .08875; double finalPrice = price+salesTax; System.out.println("price is " + price + " tax is " + salesTax + " final price is " + finalPrice); // lets say I wanted to do it in one expression price = price + price * .08875; } } /* LAB 1: * Write a complete Java program that * calculates the distance * between 2 points in a plane. * You are going to need variables for * the x and y values for each point. * You should print the value inside of * the square root. * Next time we will fix to take the sqrt. */