public class Expression /** This class demonstrates Expressions in Java * */ { public static void main(String[] args) { int hoursWorked=11; double payPerHour=15.5; // Write an expression in Java to calculate pay double weeklySalary = hoursWorked * payPerHour; System.out.println("Your weekly salary this week is: $" + weeklySalary + " for " + hoursWorked + " hours."); // for second week hoursWorked =42; // now let's calculate weekly salary with 1 1/2 pay for overtime weeklySalary = (hoursWorked-40)*1.5*payPerHour+40*payPerHour; System.out.println("Your weekly salary for the second week is: $" + weeklySalary + " for " + hoursWorked + " hours."); } }