/** Problem: You are given a string which we call text, * and a pattern, report first occurrence of a repetition of the pattern. For example, if the pattern is "abc" report the first occurrence of "abcabc" if it occurs. */ import java.util.Scanner; public class StringRepeats { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); String text = "AAGTAAGAAGAAGGCTTTAACCTTAAAGGGTTTAACACATATATATAT"; String motif = "AAG"; String repeat = motif.concat(motif); int loc = text.indexOf(repeat); if (loc != -1) System.out.println(repeat + " found at location " + loc); // another way of doing the same thing // this code finds all occurrences of the repeated motif loc = text.indexOf(motif); while (loc!=-1) { // is it followed by another motif? int loc2 = text.indexOf(motif, loc+motif.length()); if (loc2 == loc+motif.length()) System.out.println(repeat + " found at location " + loc); loc = loc2; } StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("See you at the designated spot."); for (int i=0; i