From Bones to Behavior

Brooklyn College Zooarchaeology Laboratory 538 NE

Dr. Sophia Perdikaris

Students working on a
gorilla facial reconstruction

This is intended as an introductory workshop for students with no background in anthropology, archaeology or physical anthropology. It attempts to give an abbreviated overview of methods and major issues in modern archaeology and physical anthropology. Students get a glimpse of what it means to be a “Bone Detective” and how bones can help us address questions about people that lived in the past. They will be intrigued by collecting information on questions such as how old were they, where they male or female, how did they live, can we identify the cause of death? The seminar is interactive and students will get to handle archaeological bone material both human and animal. The students are expected to be active participants in the dialogue and investigative process. Students interested in pre-med, biology, anatomy, anthropology and archaeology will find this workshop of interest.