Designing an HTML Document By Hand and Posting It On The Web

In this lab, you will place a simple web page on the Internet. You will do this by placing these files in a special directory in an account on ITS.

Make sure you have an account for the Atrium. If not, go to the front desk of the Atrium where you sign.

If you used a 3rd party site to host your files the upload instructions are similar, except you likely don't have to create any special directory.

  1. Create a directory called public_html. This is where you will store all the web site's files.
      Telnet over to your unix account.
    1. Start up the MS-DOS Prompt. (In windows, click on start/run... and type cmd.)
    2. Type the following to connect to the network via Telnet:
    3. Enter your login name and password.
    4. Create a directory (mkdir) called public_html using the command:
      mkdir public_html
    5. Change the protections (chmod) on your main directory (.) and this new directory (public_html) such that anyone (a) can access (+x) these directories:
      chmod a+x .
      chmod a+x public_html
  2. Transfer your web pages to your unix account using FTP. (If you are not using an outside server the name of your server should be inserted.) Login with your username and password.
    1. Start up the MS-DOS Prompt
    2. Type the following to connect to the network via FTP:
    3. Enter your login name and password.
    4. Change the directory (cd) to public_html:
      cd public_html
    5. Indicate that you are transferring text files by typing:
    6. Copy each html file to your unix account. For example, if you have index.html on the desktop, type
      put "C:\Documents and Settings\Student\Desktop\index.html"
    7. For images indicate that you are transferring binary files by typing:
    8. Copy each image to your unix account. (back to step 6.)
    9. End your ftp session by typing:
  3. Make sure anyone (a) can read (+r) all of your web files. (However I believe the atrium does this automatically).
    1. First
      cd public_html (so that you are changing the files in public_html only)
    2. At a Telnet prompt, type:
      chmod a+r *
    3. Use a web browser to access your main web page. Be sure to check the links. Your URL will be or . Replace username with your own user name. Note the ~ in the URL.
  4. Show your completed webpage after uploading.