// program to produce a multiplication table for the integers 1 to 10 #include using namespace std; int main() { cout << "\tThis is a Multiplication Table from 1 to 10" << endl << endl; cout.width(5); cout << "X"; /* loop to print the heading of multipliers */ for (int m2 = 1; m2 <= 10; m2++) { cout.width(5); cout << m2; } cout << endl; /* nested loop to print the table */ for (int m1 = 1; m1 <= 10; m1++) { cout.width(5); cout << m1; //prints the multiplicand for (int m2 = 1; m2 <= 10; m2++) { cout.width(5); cout << m1 * m2; //prints the product } cout << endl; } // system("pause"); //un-comment when using DevC++ return 0; }