CISC 1115 Course Syllabus and Homework Assignments

Text: Starting Out With Java From Control Structures through Data Structures, 4th ed.

By - Tony Gaddis and Godfrey Muganda

Topic 1: First Java Program

            - computer concepts (hardware, software, programs)                                    (pp. 1-6)

            - sample Java programs

            - the Java programming language                                                                   (pp. 6-21)

            - structure of a simple Java program                                                              (pp. 27-32)

            - the declaration statement                                                                              (pp. 39)

            - the assignment statement                                                                             (pp. 39)

            - primitive data types                                                                                      (pp. 44-54)

            - the println() and print() methods                                                                  (pp. 33-41)

            - arithmetic operators (arithmetic expressions)                                              (pp. 54-57)

            - relational operators (boolean expressions)                                                   (pp. 113-114)

            - A complete Java program

            - iterative operations

            - for loops (for statements)                                                                             (pp. 207-216)

            - increments and decrements                                                                          (pp. 189-193)

            HW1: Topic 1Program: Print 1 to 100

Topic 2: Evaluating an Expression

            - real numbers                                                                                                 (pp. 47-49)

            - data types float and double                                                                           (pp. 47-49)

            - writing complex arithmetic expressions

            - arithmetic operator precedence and associativity                                         (pp. 57-59)

            - if statement                                                                                                   (pp. 111-121)

            - printing real numbers                                                                                   (pp. 164-178)

            - creating a readable table                                                                               (pp. 164-178)

            - formatted output (precision, width, justification, tabs)                                (pp. 164-178)

            - escape sequences                                                                                          (pp. 36-38)

            - combined assignment operators                                                                   (pp. 63-64)

            - operator precedence (arithmentic, relational, assignment)                           (pp. 144)

            - mixed mode arithmetic                                                                                (pp. 65-68)

            - Math class methods                                                                                      (pp. 62-63)

            - data type char                                                                                               (pp. 50-52)

            - the String class                                                                                             (pp. 70-75)

            - program debugging

            - files                                                                                                              (pp. 230-237)

            - output files using PrintWriter (or PrintStream) objects                                (pp. 230-237)

            HW2: Topic 2 Programming Assignment: Formula

Topic 3: Reading a Set of Data

            - while loop (while statement)                                                                        (pp. 193-203)

            - using a sentinel                                                                                             (pp. 216-221)

            - interactive data entry                                                                                    (pp.. 84-98)

            - the Scanner class (Scanner class methods)                                                  (pp. 84-91)

            - dialog boxes                                                                                                 (pp. 92-98)

            - methods for converting strings to numbers                                                  (pp. 95-98)

            - String.format() method                                                                                (pp.175-177)

            - if-else statement                                                                                           (pp.121-123)

            - the conditional operator                                                                               (pp.152-154)

            - input files                                                                                                     (pp. 237-248)

            HW3: Topic 3 Program: Exam Statistics

Topic 4: Summation, Constants, Nested Loops

            - summation loop                                                                                            (pp.216-220)

            - declaring a loop index                                                                                  (pp. 211-212)

            - named constants                                                                                           (pp. 69-70)

            - user controlled for loop                                                                                (pp. 212-213)

            - nested for loops                                                                                            (pp. 221-229)


Topic 5; Methods (Menber Functions)                                                                       (pp. 269-306)

            - value-return methods

            - local variables

            - void methods

            - parameterless methods

            - pass by value

            - pass by reference of non-primitive objects

            - file i/o within a method

            - data type boolean                                                                                         (pp.50)

            HW5: Topic 5 Program: Bowling Scores

Examination #1 exam1 outline

Topic 6: Control Structures

            - detecting the end of a data set (user response methods)                               (pp. 204-206)

            - do-while loops                                                                                              (pp. 204-206)

            - logical operators                                                                                           (pp. 137-145)

            - nested if statements                                                                                      (pp. 124-137)

            - switch statement                                                                                           (pp. 154-164)

            - continue and break statements                                                                     (pp. 229)

            - precedence of operators                                                                               (pp.143-144)

            - complex Boolean expressions                                                                      (pp. 137-144)

            - generating random numbers using class Random                                        (pp 249-255)

            HW6: Topic 6 Program: Calculator

Topic 7: Arrays

            - one-dimensional arrays                                                                                (pp. 403-422)

            - passing arrays to methods                                                                            (pp. 422-426)

            - array algorithms and operations                                                                   (pp. 426-439)

            - returning arrays from methods                                                                     (pp. 439-441)

            - detecting the end of a file                                                                             (pp. 241-244)

            - two-dimensional arrays                                                                                (pp. 450-461)

            - arrays with three or more dimensions                                                          (pp. 462)

            HW7.1: Topic 7 Program: Bank Accounts

            HW7.2: Topic 7 Program: Count Zeros

Topic 8: The String Class

            - String class objects and methods                                                                  (pp. 70-75)

            - comparing String objects                                                                             (pp. 145-151)

            - additional String methods                                                                            (pp. 566-579)

            - the String indexOf() method

            - the StringBuilder Class                                                                                (pp. 579-589)

            - StringBuilder methods

            - the Scanner nextLine() method                                                                    (pp. 86)

            - reading lines from a file using the nextLine() method                                 (pp. 238-241)

            - String arrays                                                                                                 (pp. 441-444)

            - tokenizing Strings (using method split())                                                     (pp. 589-593)

            - character testing and conversion (Character Class)                                     (pp. 558-565)

            HW8: Topic 8 Program: Word Count


Lecture Notes: Number Systems                                                                                (lecture notes)

Examination #2 exam2 outline

Topic 9: Sorting and Searching

            - selection sort                                                                                                (pp. 463-466)

            - bubble sort                                                                                                    (lecture notes)

            - linear search                                                                                                 (pp. 447-449)

            - binary search                                                                                                (pp. 466-468)

            HW9: Topic 9 Program: Donations

Topic 10: A First look at Classes

            - objects and classes                                                                                      (pp. 317-324)

            - writing a simple class                                                                                   (pp. 324-341)

            - instance fields and methods                                                                         (pp. 341-345)

            - passing objects as arguments                                                                       (pp. 358-360)

            - StringTokenizer class                                                                                   (pp. 589-593)

            - converting Strings to numbers                                                                     (pp. 95-98)

Final Examination