1. At which level of organization in the taxonomic chart is the organisms classification always written with an upper case letter?

2. Which scientist developed the hypthesis of "the inheritance of acquired characteristics?

3. To what phylum to the vertebrates belong?

4. What term is given to organisms that have a nucleus with a membrane.?

5. All life on Earth can be divided into two major groups. To which of these to the bacteria belong?

6. What term is used to indicate something like nitrogen has been made into an organic molecule?

7. To what phylum do the simplest animals belong?

8. What term is used to indicate that there are a large number of nutrients in the water that may produce an algal bloom?

9. Of what is a shark's skeleton made?

10. What term is used more recently as a way of classifying animals?


1. What is the current called where water from waves returns to the ocean?
Ans. rip (current)

2. What term is used for the movement of waters and nutrients from lower levels to the upper levels?
Ans. upweilling

3. What direction does the thermocline move in the eastern Pacific during an "El Niņo"?
Ans. down

4. What event similar to El Niņo occurs in the Indian Ocean?
Ans. Monsoon

5. Which hemisphere contains more water than the other?
Ans. southern

6. Which of the three major "oceans" does not flow from both polar regions?
Ans. Indian (Ocean)

7. Which of the 6 items we examined relative to their changes at depth is the most irregular?
Ans. oxygen

8. From which direction do the winds blow during an El Niņo event?
Ans. West

9. Of what doers water rid itself when it starts to freeze?
Ans. minerals

10. Specifically what kind of organisms "fix" nitrogen?
Ans. cyanobacteria