Preface to Supplementary Notes on Introduction to Analysis

        These notes started as a set of handouts to the students while teaching a course on introductory analysis in the spring of 2002 at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, using book

Maxwell Rosenlicht, Introduction to Analysis, Dover Publications, Inc. New York 1968, US$ 11.95; see

While I find this book really excellent, there were some areas where I wanted to give an emphasis to the material different from that given in the book; for example, this being single-variable analysis, I wanted to give more emphasis to the real line than to abstract metric spaces. Hence the supplementary material enclosed here.
        The manuscript currently is in a fairly preliminary stage, and it may never get much beyond it. Here is a brief table of contents: Preface. Interchange of quantifiers. The Axiom of Completeness. Supremum and limits. Upper and lower limit. Compactness of closed intervals. The method of interval-halving: The Heine--Borel Theorem. The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem. The method of interval-halving: The Bolzano--Weierstrass Theorem. Continuous functions. The Intermediate-Value Theorem. The method of interval-halving: the Intermediate-Value Theorem. The Maximum-Value Theorem. Uniform continuity, uniform convergence. Differentiability and continuity. An Intermediate-Value Theorem for derivatives. The chain rule for differentiation. The inverse of a monotone function. l'Hospital's rule. The remainder term in Taylor's formula. The binomial series. The Riemann integral. The Riemann integral: an example. The Newton--Leibniz formula. Integration by parts. Compactness product spaces. Interchanging integration and differentiation. Bibliography. List of symbols. Subject index.
        You can find the manuscript by clicking on the directory link here;. this will display a directory listing. The name of the file containing the manuscript is analysis.pdf, and the name of the cover page is cover.pdf; the file todays_date contains the date these files were prepared, and you are currently reading the file pref.html. You can also download the manuscript directly by clicking or shift-clicking here; its size is 614787 bytes. (Shift clicking means holding down the shift key while clicking on the link. It prevents Mozilla from displaying the file and will initiate a download instead.) The manuscript was written in AmS-TeX. Read here about how it was turned into PDF (note the subtle point about dvips).

New York, New York, Tue Jul 31 19:19:31 EDT 2012

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