Let us now look at combinational circuits. Then we will move on to sequential circuits. If you wish to skip immediately to sequential circuits, use the navigational links at the top of this page to select the type of circuit you would like to examine.

- XOR Function -

        On the previous page we stated that the Exclusive-OR, or XOR function can be described verbally as, "Either A or B, but not both." In the realm of digital logic there are several ways of stating this in a more detailed and precise format. We won't go here into such devices as Truth tables and graphic representations. We will stick with the more complete verbal statement, "NOT A and B, or A and NOT B."

        The circuit required to implement this description is shown below:

        There are many ways in which the simple logic gates we have examined can be combined to perform useful functions. Some of these circuits produce outputs which are only dependent upon the current logic states of all inputs. These are called combinational logic circuits. Other circuits are designed to actually remember the past states of their inputs, and to produce outputs based on those past signals as well as the current states of their inputs. These circuits can act in accordance with a sequence of input signals, and are therefore known as sequential logic circuits.

- Binary Addition (Half Adder) -

        A key requirement of digital computers is the ability to use logical functions to perform arithmetic operations. The basis of this is addition; if we can add two binary numbers, we can just as easily subtract them, or get a little fancier and perform multiplication and division. How, then, do we add two binary numbers?

        Let's start by adding two binary bits. Since each bit has only two possible values, 0 or 1, there are only four possible combinations of inputs. These four possibilities, and the resulting sums, are:


        Fourth line indicates that we have to account for two output bits when we add two input bits: the sum and a possible carry. Let's set this up as a truth table with two inputs and two outputs, and see where we can go from there.

        The Carry output is a simple AND function, and the Sum is an Exclusive-OR. Thus, we can use two gates to add these two bits together. The resulting circuit is shown below:

- Binary Addition (Full Adder) -

        To construct a full adder circuit, we'll need three inputs and two outputs. Since we'll have both an input carry and an output carry, we'll designate them as CIN and COUT. At the same time, we'll use S to designate the final Sum output. Here is the resulting truth table:



        It looks as if COUT may be either an AND or an OR function, depending on the value of A, and S is either an XOR or an XNOR, again depending on the value of A. Looking a little more closely, however, we can note that the S output is actually an XOR between the A input and the half-adder SUM output with B and CIN inputs. Also, the output carry will be true if any two or all three inputs are logic 1.

        What this suggests is also intuitively logical: we can use two half-adder circuits. The first will add A and B to produce a partial Sum, while the second will add CIN to that Sum to produce the final S output. If either half-adder produces a carry, there will be an output carry. Thus, COUT will be an OR function of the half-adder Carry outputs. The resulting full adder circuit is shown below:

        The circuit above is really too complicated to be used in larger logic diagrams, so a separate symbol, shown at the bottom, is used to represent a one-bit full adder. In fact, it is common practice in logic diagrams to represent any complex function as a "black box" with input and output signals designated. It is, after all, the logical function that is important, not the exact method of performing that function.

- Multiplexer -

        This is a digital circuit with multiple signal inputs, one of which is selected by separate address inputs to be sent to the single output. It's not easy to describe without the logic diagram, but is easy to understand when the diagram is available.

        A two-input multiplexer is shown below:

        The multiplexer circuit is typically used to combine two or more digital signals onto a single line, by placing them there at different times. Technically, this is known as time-division multiplexing.

        Input A is the addressing input, which controls which of the two data inputs, X0 or X1, will be transmitted to the output. If the A input switches back and forth at a frequency more than double the frequency of either digital signal, both signals will be accurately reproduced, and can be separated again by a demultiplexer circuit synchronized to the multiplexer.

        This is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance; the telephone network combines multiple audio signals onto a single pair of wires using exactly this technique, and is readily able to separate many telephone conversations so that everyone's voice goes only to the intended recipient. With the growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web, most people have heard about T1 telephone lines. A T1 line can transmit up to 24 individual telephone conversations by multiplexing them in this manner.


- Decoder, Demultiplexer -

        The opposite of the multiplexer circuit, logically enough, is the demultiplexer. This circuit takes a single data input and one or more address inputs, and selects which of multiple outputs will receive the input signal. The same circuit can also be used as a decoder, by using the address inputs as a binary number and producing an output signal on the single output that matches the binary address input. In this application, the data input line functions as a circuit enabler — if the circuit is disabled, no output will show activity regardless of the binary input number.

        A one-line to two-line decoder/demultiplexer is shown below:

        This circuit uses the same AND gates and the same addressing scheme as the two-input multiplexer circuit shown in these pages. The basic difference is that it is the inputs that are combined and the outputs that are separate. By making this change, we get a circuit that is the inverse of the two-input multiplexer. If you were to construct both circuits on a single breadboard, connect the multiplexer output to the data IN of the demultiplexer, and drive the (A)ddress inputs of both circuits with the same signal, you would find that the initial X0 input would be transmitted to OUT0 and the X1 input would reach only OUT1.

        The one problem with this arrangement is that one of the two outputs will be inactive while the other is active. To retain the output signal, we need to add a latch circuit that can follow the data signal while it's active, but will hold the last signal state while the other data signal is active. An excellent circuit for this is the D (or Data) Latch. By placing a latch after each output and using the Addressing input (or its inverse) to control them, we can maintain both output signals at all times. If the Address input changes much more rapidly than the data inputs, the output signals will match the inputs faithfully.