Welcome to CIS 716.5

This is the course home page.

Please refer to the links on the left for details about other specific topics. Throughout the semester, these pages will be updated regularly.

The information page contains details about the lecture schedule, the course description and the textbook.

The news page will be updated with all chages to the site. You are strongly encouraged to keep abreast of the notes posted there. Deadline changes and othe annoucements to the whole class will appear there first.

Please pay particular attention to:

The academic integrity page emphasizes the fact that I expect you to do your own work. I hate that I even have to spell this out, but please read it carefully and remember it. It is easier to "just say no" then to face the consequences of getting caught cheating.

The syllabus page will be updated after every lecture, with an outline of what was covered in class. The brief notes found there are not a substitute for coming to class. I reserve the right to examine you on material discussed only in class.

The FAQ page will be updated with answers to questions about anything of general interest, particularly with regard to assignments.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns. Email is by far the best way to reach me: parsons@sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu