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Class pinball.MainMenu


public class MainMenu
extends Frame
This sets up the window that displays the image. It also has buttons to control the start and stop of the program.

Variable Index

 o analysis
The frame analyzing thread.
 o ball
Ball is out of play.
 o boarder
Excess size for the window.
 o bottom
bottom has the buttons.
 o buffer
The first of the list of information buffers.
 o coin
Insert a coin.
 o exit
Exit the system.
 o gameButtons
The buttons for controlling the game.
 o gameStats
The area on the window to display infomation about the game.
 o grabber
The frame capturing thread.
 o height
Height of the image.
 o launch
Launch the ball.
 o middle
middle is the statistics.
 o pause
Pause the system.
 o picture
The canvas for the image in the window.
 o post
The post strategy thread.
 o Qcam
The camera watching the game.
 o refindFlippers
Refind the flippers.
 o start
Begin the system.
 o startGame
Start the pinball game.
 o strategy
The frame strategy thread.
 o systemButtons
The buttons for controlling the system.
 o top
Top is the image.
 o verbose
Display the changes in the image.
 o width
Width of the image.

Constructor Index

 o MainMenu()
For extended classes.
 o MainMenu(Camera, StdPlayer, String)
Create the window and get the camera's settings

Method Index

 o begin()
Create the threads, add the button events and display the window.


 o width
 protected int width
Width of the image.

 o height
 protected int height
Height of the image.

 o Qcam
 protected Camera Qcam
The camera watching the game.

 o picture
 protected DrawingCanvas picture
The canvas for the image in the window.

 o post
 protected Post post
The post strategy thread.

 o grabber
 protected FrameGrabber grabber
The frame capturing thread.

 o analysis
 protected Analyze analysis
The frame analyzing thread.

 o strategy
 protected Strategy strategy
The frame strategy thread.

 o exit
 protected Button exit
Exit the system.

 o start
 protected Button start
Begin the system.

 o verbose
 protected Button verbose
Display the changes in the image.

 o ball
 protected Button ball
Ball is out of play.

 o launch
 protected Button launch
Launch the ball.

 o coin
 protected Button coin
Insert a coin.

 o startGame
 protected Button startGame
Start the pinball game.

 o refindFlippers
 protected Button refindFlippers
Refind the flippers.

 o pause
 protected Button pause
Pause the system.

 o boarder
 protected static final int boarder
Excess size for the window.

 o buffer
 protected Buffer buffer
The first of the list of information buffers.

 o gameStats
 protected TextArea gameStats
The area on the window to display infomation about the game.

 o top
 protected Panel top
Top is the image.

 o middle
 protected Panel middle
middle is the statistics.

 o bottom
 protected Panel bottom
bottom has the buttons.

 o systemButtons
 protected Panel systemButtons
The buttons for controlling the system.

 o gameButtons
 protected Panel gameButtons
The buttons for controlling the game.


 o MainMenu
 public MainMenu()
For extended classes.

 o MainMenu
 public MainMenu(Camera Qcam,
                 StdPlayer player,
                 String stratThread)
Create the window and get the camera's settings

Qcam - The camera.
player - The player of the game.
stratThread - Defines how the strategy is to player. Either local, client or server.


 o begin
 public void begin()
Create the threads, add the button events and display the window.

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